Our Difference

Our rehabilitation approach is unique.  We distinguish ourselves by providing patients with:

Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team

The intention of COSIC’s multidisciplinary team is to promote efficient and effective rehabilitation of everyday and athletic injuries.

COSIC’s multidisciplinary team achieves this by utilizing the skillsets of various healthcare professionals to target interventions that are most important to patient’s individual needs.

A mutual respect of each healthcare practitioner’s expertise is the basis of COSIC’s cohesive team, fostering timely referrals to the most appropriate professional for a specific condition, and ultimately allowing patients to get better, faster. 

Advanced Experience

Our healthcare team possesses a unique combination of strong academic backgrounds, unrivalled clinical experience, and a commitment to ongoing professional development. This blend of circumstances ensures that our patients have a successful rehabilitation.

Individualized Care

COSIC appreciates the importance of a quality patient-clinician interaction. To accomplish this, patients are provided 1-hour assessments and 30-minute treatments in private consultation rooms. 

We do not use assistants, allowing clinicians to provide thorough one-on-one rehabilitation. Ultimately, this enables therapists the opportunity to develop an accurate diagnosis and meaningful treatment.

Our team is also mindful of the time and expense associated with our services. We are committed to tailoring rehabilitation programs to meet each patient’s financial abilities and recommend treatment only when indicated.

Evidence Informed Practice

Our team integrates the most recent medical research with emerging treatment techniques to help individuals achieve their optimal health.

Clinicians accomplish this through their commitment to understanding the best available research and practices related to each patient’s condition.